Saturday, October 8, 2011

Saturday Sneak Peak

(excuse the horrible lighting in these photos)

I've been working my little tail off trying to prep for my first and second craft shows in November.   I'm changing up a few of my bag designs, and the color combos are really starting to reflect my own quirky style.  I'm also adding some brand new products for the Holidays.  I can't wait to share with you some of my finished products.  Soon I hope.  Happy weekend!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sewing Legacy

This past weekend, I inherited a most wonderful gift: my husband's grandmother's old sewing notions. So many vintage zippers, wooden spools, thread, enough elastic to last many years, and so much more! This is just a glimpse of all that I came home from my in-laws' house with. I'm so very thankful for my MIL's thoughtfulness to give me these lovelies. It's been sweet to dream of the things I can now make with the plethora of supplies, and at the same time try to imagine the things that Nate's grandmother was planning to create.  I find it wonderful that these things don't have to sit in a box in a garage anymore, but can be used to make beautiful and useful things.  I met Nate's sweet grandmother only once, just a few months before she passed away, but this is something that makes me feel just a bit connected to her. 

p.s.  the blog is making a return...for good!  Looking forward to sharing little tidbits of my life.   
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