Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Flash Known as October

Seriously? October is over? I love fall. It's my absolute favorite season. I wish that I had been a little more prepared for October, but it was plenty enjoyable regardless of how prepared I was. Here's a little glimpse at what we have been up to the past month:

We sat, with tears in our eyes, as three of the youth shared with the church about most recent adventures in telling others about Jesus. We are entirely, wonderfully blessed daily by all of the teenagers in our youth group.  We are thankful for the chance to watch the Lord grow in them.

A majority of Nate's job at the seminary we work at is to make connections with people doing ministry in the community.  Every October for the past three years, he has put together a mini-conference to provide encouragement to specifically youth ministers/leaders/volunteers.  I've had the privilege of helping with the registration table every year, and I must say, this year was the best yet.  I love getting the chance to watch Nate in action as he seeks to provide an environment where leaders can be refreshed and grow in friendship with each other as they reach the community.

We went on a rainy night coffee date at the coffee shop inside our grocery store.  They have a cozy little seating section that's hardly ever crowded.  We talked about the future, both distant and near, and dreamed a little.  'Twas a lovely evening.  

We spent part of a Saturday at an old county store near our apartment.  Nate picked a HUGE pumpkin and I picked a deep maroon mum.

A few other things:
-we, with a group of people from our church, helped with games and snacks at Family Night at our local Y.
-we had our share of car troubles, but the Lord really provided in ways we never could of expected.
-we checked Home Improvement seasons 2-4 out of the library (free-that's wassup) and we've watched those during our lunch hour.  So fun!!
-and I've been spending a great amount of my evening time sewing, sewing, sewing.  You can find a bunch of the new items in the shopToday only use code WHATNOVEMBER for 15% off your order. 

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not really a Halloween person, so I'm glad that November is here, even though I'm in shock.  This year has seriously FLOWN by.  I'm really going to take time to savor November, and not think about all the snow that is likely to come in my very near future.  Happy Tuesday, everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you have the most adorable shoes!! I know that's kind of a shallow thing to notice, but I couldn't help it. ;)

    Your shop is so cute! Love the pretty bows. I came across your blog because I'm also a part of Mandipidy's black friday deals!

    Nice to "meet" you!


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