Friday, March 30, 2012

Hannah Day (Week) Re-cap

I wanted to write a few things about my birthday this year before I forgot.
I had a sweet time celebrating my golden birthday this year (24 on the 24th).
I'm so thankful for sweet co-workers, friends, and family that made my day extra special.  
Here's the celebration breakdown from last week:

-In-laws took me to lunch on Monday (they were out of town for b-day weekend, and that was the only mealtime we had free last week)
-My boss took me to lunch on Tuesday at our local Mediterranean place-yum!
-Friday night-Nate took me to Chick Fil A and to see The Hunger Games
-Saturday-My parents and sister came into town for a couple days, and sweet friends Mike and Jewel drove over from Louisville for the day.  We went for a fun walk around downtown Newburgh, stopped at the country store for a glass bottle Coke, chatted aplenty, and ate dinner at my new favorite Mexican restaurant.  To end the night, we had cake and ice cream, and I clobbered beat my family in a game of Rummy.

I had a great birthday this year.  I only wish I would have taken pictures!  I must get better at this whole documenting our lives thing.  Good thing a blog is motivation for that.  :)

P.S. Most days I still feel 18 which is good and bad at the same time.

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